The Love Movement Part 7 mp3

Episode 29

        I hope you are enjoying the series so far and have gleaned something from it. If you have learned or found help in these messages please let me know, leave a comment or even message me with some feedback, thanks.

        Continuing on with this 10 part series it’s time to talk about what all this love will cause amongst believers. “UNITY!” Unity is defined as the state of being united or joined as a whole. In this podcast we will be taking a look at one of my favorite books; the Book of Acts. In chapter 2, Luke records a powerful picture of the early church and how they loved one another and impacted the region. Acts 2:42-47 records the early church (the believers) coming together as one, learning about the Lord, worshipping together, taking care of one another, seeing signs and wonders being performed by the Apostles, and they were united together as 1 and the best part is the Lord added to their numbers daily.

        The Body of Christ needs to be united, the world needs to see us together as 1 and not divided. The Denominational walls need to come down, I know this is not a popular statement but it’s true. God never meant for us to divide the church into over 1,000 denominations (Some online sources state that there are over 20,000 but this may include duplicates). Either way, there are too many. God never meant for His people to be so divided.

        It’s time folks, it’s time to show one another the Love of Jesus Christ and become united as 1.

        God Bless You and Yours, I pray you will enjoy this podcast and please leave some feedback I would love to read your views. Love You All.

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