The Love Movement Part 8

Episode 30

Continuing on to part 8 of this 10 part series, I want to turn your focus to Unity and how to treat one another. Do you want to impact the lives of those around you? Want to learn how to love each other? Then read Ephesians 4:2 slowly and let it sink in.

Ephesians 4:2: Always be humble and gentle, be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

A great verse packed with insight on how we should treat each other. We must take the time to extend patience and understanding, with one another in order for unity to work.

By taking the time to extend patience and love, Unity will come and we will start to look like the true Body of Christ. In this podcast, I want to encourage you to love with grace, to find someone you can trust to speak into your life in a loving way, and for you to do the same for someone who needs you in their life. May you be blessed and encouraged by this message. I hope you will consider subscribing to one of my channels/ website and podcast channels.

Lastly please keep in mind one of the purposes of my podcasts is to spark something in you that will cause you to dig deeper into God’s Word. Take Care and God Bless You and Yours, Love You All.

Check out this episode!


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