Forgiveness Keeping It Real part 3 (Conclusion)
Episode 43
Thank you for joining me on this 3 part series about forgiveness. My prayer is that you take some very important nuggets from these podcasts. God’s Word says we must forgive. As I have mentioned in this series it is not easy but we must also remember my warning, If you have ever or still do recite “the Lord’s Prayer”, then take heed to your words and actions because in Matthew 6:12 Jesus says: And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. So I want you to ask yourself a question……Are you forgiving others? Have you withheld forgiveness from someone who has been trying to make amends with you? Are you forgiving others the way you want God to forgive you? Think about these questions as you listen or watch the conclusion of tis 3 part series.
I want to leave you with this message I copied from about forgiveness.
“In light of our new beginning, God commands that in return, we forgive others and extend grace as we have been shown grace. It can be one of the hardest things we face in life! The pain and hurt others cause us is real and great. But, the pain of living with bitterness and unforgiveness can poison your soul and destroy you. When we forgive others, we are not saying what they did was OK, but we are releasing them to God and letting go of its hold on us.”
Once again thanks for listening/ watching, leaving comments, sharing and praying for me as I continue to produce podcasts on relevant topics for today. God Bless You and Yours, Love You All! Remember, forgive, and then forgive, and lastly forgive.
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