Episode 59

In this podcast today I will be discussing some great verses out of Matthew 25. Verses that helped instruct us on what we should be doing as followers of Jesus Christ. After traveling around the country visiting family and helping my Son and His Wife move, my eyes were open once again to those who are less fortunate. Seeing the homeless seeing both men and women standing on the corners with signs begging for help because some of them had no hope. All the thoughts that ran through my mind, the thoughts of what if the body of Christ pooled our money together and went out and made a difference not just giving money but helping find places to live for many of these individuals. The thought comes to mind of what would Jesus be doing if he was walking the earth right now. The loss of life to drug addiction, murder, homelessness, men women and children going hungry, the list goes on and on. My prayer is that this podcast sparks something in you as it once again has in me to get out here and take action. I look forward to hearing your feedback enjoy the show God bless you all love you.

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