An Interview with Pastor Evan Oxner about his Book Let’s Be Blunt

Episode 88

            Thank you for tuning in to this episode as I have a great chat with Pastor Evan Oxner from Nova Scotia about his New Book “Let’s Be Blunt”. His book which will be released the end of May 2020 is truly a book for this day and age, a must read by all. Here is an insert from the book:

“We cannot have the image of God, the life of Christ, the change and power of the Holy Spirit, and still act the same as we used to. We cannot be alive in Christ intellectually and dead in our actions. We cannot have salvation and not be living and growing in the image of God, for being remade in the image of God is salvation. It’s a salvation that begins now and spreads into eternity and incorruption. Yet, so many will believe they can know and love God while not being conformed to His image— and the rocks will cry out.” - excerpt from Let’s Be Blunt

            After you listen to the interview I hope you will also stop by Facebook and look him up. Visit the Amherst Wesleyan Church website at: Also search for Amherst Wesleyan Church Podcasts on Soundcloud.

You can also visit the AWC YouTube channel and watch some recent messages at : And please leave his some feedback in the comments section. God Bless You All and thanks as always for tuning in!

Book Release Date May 31st – June 1st

Where will you be able to find it:

Print Availability: Canadian Christian bookstores, Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, and other vendors

eBook Availability: Amazon’s Kindle Store, Apple iBooks, Kobo, Google Play, Scribd, and in Adobe PDF format for additional vendors

Check out this episode!


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