"Steep" with Caleb Daigle

"Steep" with Caleb Daigle
Thanks for tuning in to a very important episode where I am joined once again with Caleb Daigle. Today the subject we are talking about is Steep, not as in a steep hill but steeping tea as it related to our Christian walk and getting in the Word. The Holy Spirit gave Caleb the word steep during his meditation time and from there a revelation came to him about how we should learn to dig deeper into the Bible and allow God’s word to penetrate our Body, Soul and especially our Spirit the same way a properly steeped cup of tea has a powerful delicious flavor due to the process. Our prayer is that this podcast episode will touch your life in a powerful way and cause you to press in deeper with the Lord and His Word (the Bible).

God Bless and Love To You All! Thanks as always for tuning in and sharing with others.

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