Teen Challenge, “A Message of Hope” With Carla Hayes
Thanks for tuning in to this very important episode about an amazing lifesaving program for those who are battling addictions. “Today, there are an estimated 270 million addicts worldwide. If drug and alcohol abuse were a country, it would be the third-largest nation in the world! Over 3.6 million people die from drugs or alcohol each year. That’s approximately 10,000 deaths per day, 420 per hour, and 7 every minute.” (https://www.globaltc.org/)
As Carla shares about this amazing Ministry, our prayer is that you will be enlightened and even inspired to get involved no matter where you are. Also, we hope you will pray about being a part of the fundraiser or reach out locally no matter what country you live in.
“For over 60 years, Adult & Teen Challenge USA has operated on a holistic model of drug and alcohol recovery. This means that we are concerned with the body, mind, and spirit of those who come to our addiction recovery centers. Our vision is to see all people freed from addiction through the power of Jesus Christ!” (https://teenchallengeusa.org/about/)
They need our help, will you step up and pour into the lives of the lost. Thanks in advance Love To You All and God Bless.
Teen Challenge World Wide: https://www.globaltc.org/
Teen Challenge New England: https://tcnewengland.org/
Thanks as always for tuning in, sharing, and commenting, and also if you use INSTAGRAM be sure to connect with us at @RelevanceforToday, God Bless, and Love To You All!
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