Kingdom Drafted .... The Journey Begins

Episode 115  

          Thanks for tuning in to this very important episode about gifts. My wife and I had the pleasure of ministering at the Agape Christian Fellowship in Northern Maine on the 8th of November. I preached this message and I wanted to record it for this episode to share it with you all because it is a very important message for this day and age. The Body of Christ is being called out, out into the world to start impacting lives in a mighty way. We need to be trained up in the callings that God has for our lives. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, the time is now, it’s time to step up and out and give people hope in this crazy world. I want to challenge you to learn what Gifts the Lord has given you through the Holy Spirit we need you, people that you don’t even know need you, God needs you to be who He called you to be. Are you ready??? I hope you will listen/ watch this entire message and be encouraged to go to the next step, I look forward to hearing from you. God Bless Love To You All!!

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Check out this episode!


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