We Reached Our 200th Episode

Relevance For Today

Episode 200

We Reached Our200 Episodes

200 Episodes and counting! I am very excited to announce that we reached another milestone! I say milestone because producing shows and reaching people all around the world has been a blessing to me to have a platform where I get to share the great news about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God! Thank you all for being on the other end of my writings, podcasts and as of these past few months my own Christian TV Show/ Channel on Kingdom Community TV! If you all were not on the other end, I would just be talking to myself, right. So, thank you for subscribing, spreading the word about my shows and also interacting with me over the past 4 years. I look forward to many more years of connecting and sharing with you all.

Thanks for tuning in as always and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Stephen Lewis


Relevance For Today Podcast Show

Spiritual Spotlight Podcast Show

Kingdom Community TV

Kingdom Community APP

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#episode 200 #thebeliever #knowingwhoyouare #Relevancefortodaypodcast #RelevancefortodayTVshow #kingdomcommunitytv #TimeInGodsWord #Discipleship #TrainingandEquippingtheSaints #learningtheword #Christlikeliving #HiphopwithChrist #ChristianContent

Check out this episode!


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