The Divine Appointment

Episode 39

        A great God ordained encounter where a Minister had the choice to either represent Jesus Christ or turn away from an opportunity. This story will show you how important it is to be opened to anything when it comes to representing Christ. The world has had enough of religious talk; they want to see the true body of Jesus Christ in action. They want to see people who are willing to get on their level and show them love in all circumstances. Are you open for God to use you to reach others? Do you consider yourself to be a Christian/ Follower of Jesus Christ? If you answered yes then step up and do what needs to be done in all situations, you might even have to ask yourself What Would Jesus Do? This Podcast will show you just how simple it is to make yourselves available for the Lord to use you. It will also show you how a Divine Appointment can happen anywhere and anytime, this one just happened in a parking lot in front of a store. My prayer is that you will take the time to listen, comment, share and also pray that the Lord will use you anytime, and anywhere for His Glory. God Bless You and Yours Love You All.


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