The Love Movement Part 1

Episode 23

        As I have mentioned in my previous Podcasts about a series I have been planning on doing about Love. Well this is it folks, today marks the first part of this series. I started recording in the beginning of March but after my Mother passed away I had to put it on hold. The amazing part is My Mother displayed many of the characteristics of the Love of Christ during her life as a Mother and Wife.

        The purpose of this series is to highlight verses in God’s Word about Love and why it is so important for us as Believers to grasp the commandment to Love one another. By learning and living “Love” we will be able to work together, show the World what being a Follower of Jesus Christ is really all about, link arms as the true Body of Christ and turn this world upside down in a mighty way as Luke recorded the Apostles doing in the Book of Acts. It’s time to be the real Church and not so divided. The saying United we stand Divided we fall is so profound. Sometimes I feel like the body of Christ as a whole can’t even flip a pancake over together let alone try to flip the world right side up. Unity is key Brothers and Sisters, the world see’s division as a problem, not a solution. It’s time to focus on key verses like John 3:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

        My prayer is that you as the reader, listener and viewer will use this series as a tool to point you in the right direction in order to help be who God called you to be.

        John quoted Jesus’ words in John 13:34-35 34A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

        By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another…… what are all men thinking right now when they look at the body of Christ? Do they see love for one another among us or something else? It’s time folks its time. Love You All, and my prayer is that these messages will infect You and I as we go out each day to show the world who we really are for God’s Kingdom… Please share and look for the voice podcast version as well coming this week.


Check out this episode!


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