Use Those Gifts! Part 2
It’s time to be the vessels that God called us to be and to use the Gifts that He’s given us to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ and impact the lives of those we interact with. If you have not read part 1 I encourage you to do so. In this final part of this 2 part message, I want to encourage you when you are out there using your gifts remember if you only reach 1 person praise God for that. That goes especially for those online writing, vlogging and podcasting, as most of you know you could fall off a bicycle in a video and get thousands of views but write a message about the Lord and sometimes the number may only reach double digits. Don’t let that discourage you just like I mentioned, you may reach that 1 person that was needing to hear what you shared. It’s not about numbers it’s about making a difference in the lives of the lost and hurting. The world needs what you have otherwise God would have never equipped you with your gifts. Remember Galatians 6:9 New King James Version (NKJV)
9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
In my podcast video of this message (Use Those Gifts Part 1) the Holy Spirit led me to share this and I want to share the following with you all as well:
“Have faith that you are being used by God. Do not let the enemy convince you that you are not. If you are using your gifting’s for the Lord and His Kingdom on this earth with the right heart, He will bless the labor of your hands, Keep going forward in the walk God has you on! Be Encouraged and Blessed Brothers and Sisters.
So today once again use the gifts God has given you to reach the lost and hurting right where you are at, at home, online, in your neighborhoods, Towns, States and Countries. It’s time folks it’s time, get out there knowing that the Holy Spirit will help guide you every step of the way! God Bless You and Yours!
To Watch the Video Podcast of this message please follow link below.
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